Our curriculum follows Developmentally Appropriate Practice (see to engage the children in hands-on, age-appropriate activities, never pushing them to learn what they're not yet ready for. Investigations will be carefully selected, to affect all seven domains of development, through different types of play. All materials will be as open-ended as possible to expand creativity and build problem-solving skills. We will build social skills, such as listening, and conflict resolution, as we engage in our projects and activities. Rather than having our children focus on memorization and duplication, we will encourage reflective, critical thinking skills through imaginative play.
During free play time, children are free to explore the various learning centers, independently or cooperatively. A new art invitation will be offered every day. Creative projects will provide opportunities for the children to paint, sculpt, print, glue, smear, sprinkle, carve and smash a wide variety of materials. We will focus on the process of creation, rather than any products that may result.
The sensory tub is accessible during free play time, offering new textures and densities to experiment with. In addition to engaging their senses, this is great for pretend play and skill development (such as pouring and pinching).
Free play is also a time when the teacher will work with individual students students on specific skill development.
daily rhythm
8:45 am - 9:00 am: Parents are encouraged to drop off. It may be indoors or out.
9:15 am: Learning circle
10:00 am: Snack
10:30 am: Learning invitation
11:00 am: Free play, indoors or out
11:30 am: Lunch
12:00 - 12:15 pm: Free play, potty, sunscreen, getting into outdoor gear
12:15 - 12:45: Explore the outdoor classroom and pick-up time
Learning circle is a time to sing songs, learn finger plays, read and tell stories, sing the jumping song, practice counting, make individual plans, and build community.
The learning invitation is a teacher facilitated or moderated activity. Examples include: science experiments, yoga, baking, special project, music, investigation, gardening, cooperative game, story telling or nature walk.
Exercise may include: dancing, "Silly-cise," games, walks, climbing, hopskotch, and yoga.
Outdoor play enables the children to run, jump, swing, and climb, developing coordination and strengthening their large muscle groups. It is also a chance to run, play in the sand, ride bikes, make mud pies, use our "outside voices," watch the squirrels and birds, draw or paint en plein air, learn gardening skills, observe the clouds, catch bugs, create, and develop awareness of the natural world.
Relaxation time includes gentle stretches, breathing exercises, stories, and soothing music.
Music is intrinsic to our program. Singing develops language skills, and dancing offers a chance to express ourselves through movement. We will expose the children to a wide variety of music, in all genres. We will make our own music as well, improving our coordination, listening skills, and sense of rhythm.